live with nature

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Biodiversity in the headlights

Does protecting biodiversity mean that we should become racists and not let one type of humanity breed with another? Does this mean that one culture should not mix with another?

Is it a call for isolationism in people’s culture and places which, to arrest the effects of globalisation, seek to isolate themselves. E.g. Japan in the 19th century or China under Mao, radical Islam countries today?

What about all those who are the result of mixed marriages of the past 300 years the bastards, coloureds, displaced hybrid peoples of all countries that were colonised by the Europeans ,. How many of us who are so called White or Black or Yellow are actually pure breeds today. Every family of voortrekkers or frontiersmen or Ranchers or soldiers of the wars of the last century left behind themselves a legacy of half-breeds that were the result of clandestine relationships –even in Victorian towns. Where I grew up in a village on the outskirts of Cape Town in the 60’s it was common for the adolescent boy’s both of the liberal Rooineks ( English Speaking) and the Boers ( Afrikaans people) to sneak around to the out buildings at night and fuck with the coloured or black servants. The stories are the same around the world in the Deep South of the USA or in India and Java. The same story bears repeating of mating with slaves or farm workers or kitchen maids at all times and all places in the world.
So why should plants be any different , or iguanas mating with a Leguaan?
Are we now playing god, or are we now going to freeze and reverse the entire process? Or IS this the time where we take responsibilty for our actions and try to clean up the MESS?


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